Wouter Van Der Schueren


Quick denoise with Neat Video. First one is original, second one is clean and third one has the noise alghorithm on top. I prefer the third one, although you really have to look at it at 1:1 level to see the difference.

The denoized images look slightly more saturated. This is because I like to dial back in a minimal amount of color into the image. Denoizing the chroma inevitably reduces a little bit of colour in the darker areas of the frame. A little bit of a nudge on the colour boost slider (+6) doesn't hurt.

Here is a link to a couple of framegrabs from Dunkirk (Bluray), which was shot on 65mm.

I think it's safe to say we've achieved very similar -if not equal- levels of image quality and grain structure with digital tools & trickery.

"Yeah all well and good, until you project it in a theater!"

DCI standard is still 2K (which isn't really that much more than HD). Furthermore, most people don't see a difference between 2K and 4K projections/displays because most people choose to sit in the middle or back of the theater. At home, most consumer displays are too small in reference to the point of which you're viewing to see a discernable difference between 2K and 4K. If you don't believe me, go here: